Caiti Sarvey

Caiti Sarvey

CHSSA IE Committee - Chair

IE Committee Update


One can tell it is state qualifier time in California by a few hallmark signs. Highlighters become a treasured commodity and students become aggressively protective of one color. Speechies across the state are accessing Purdue Owl at rates high enough to crash the system and coaches are scrounging the staff lounge for a dropped copy code. League presidents seemingly disappear into prisons made of paper and drain their measly bank accounts to pay for endless postage. Area chairs start booking chiropractic appointments for back issues caused by lugging around fifty pounds of paper. All this in the name of scripts. From student to coach to league president all the way up to area chair, participants in CHSSA will report that scripts are the most stressful part of state qualifiers. (Unless you talk to a policy debater. They will claim that it is recutting their Trump DA every week…sad.)

The IE committee will be discussing possible solutions to this problem at the CHSSA meeting.  We will be working on a proposal to eliminate area chair vetting and put the responsibility on student and coach. Leagues already bear the responsibility of script legality and face the consequences of an illegal script.  Other proposals look at the possibility of electronic script transporting in the future. Ultimately, our first goal is to solve the issue of students being disqualified after three adults approve it.  As the individual event committee we will work towards a solution to empower students and coaches to produce quality scripts that represent their hard work at the state champs tournament.